Travel Quotes
We put together a collection of the best quotes about travel that we have come across during our personal travel journey. These quotes are close to our heart as a lot of them have shaped our lives today.
We've gone on many adventures around the world together, and take a lot of pride in bringing what we learned to life. The majority of our travel quotes include home-made images as well to help inspire your travels even more. We believe in providing travel inspiration for positive change! So that you can take these best quotes about travel and use them to motivate your own personal improvement journey.
Enjoy our collection of inspirational, funny, famous, and motivational travel quotes! We hope they make you think and give you the push you need to get traveling. Click a category or scroll down the page to explore the best quotes about travel, complete with our own original images.

Table of Contents
Inspirational Travel Quotes
Our favorite types of quotes, hands down, are inspirational travel quotes! They have the ability to inspire adventures you never dreamed you would get into. Can you remember a time where you were inspired by a quote you saw and it stuck in your mind? It's the best thing ever for people with wanderlust in their soul because if you're like us, once a great message or image gets trapped in your mind, you start to think about all the new places you want to visit and things you want to do. Get motivated for your travels by these inspirational travel quotes!
1. "The journey itself is my home." - Matsuo Basho
This is one of those all-time great inspirational travel quotes. Why? Because it lights a fire under you to get out there and explore! What better realization in life than to know that it's not about getting that perfect picture or seeing all the "highlight" spots in one day. No, it's about the journey and living in the moment more than it is about the destination. Matsuo Basho nailed it on this one!

2. "Travel is never a matter of money but of courage" - Paulo Coelho
You will always find a way to reach your goals if you put your mind to it and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices. Travel is one of those things that does take money, but if you commit to staying on a budget and opt for real, authentic local experiences, you will find yourself able to stretch your money for a long time! If travel is your priority, then look at the other things in your life holding you back from that and decide for yourself which aspects take a back seat and which ones to move forward with.
3. "The world is a book, and those who never travel only read one page" - Saint Augustine
You honestly never know what you're going to get when you travel. But what we can guarantee you is that you will find or learn something new. Can you guarantee that same personal development when you're sitting at home or going through your daily routine? The world is huge, and if you stay in your comfort zone, you are risking not seeing what it has to offer! Use these inspirational travel quotes to push out of your own comfort zone.
4. "Never let your memories be greater than your dreams" - Douglas Ivester
You should always be pushing yourself to learn more, see more, and overall be the best YOU that you can possible be. While your successes or adventures of the past are important to remember and cherish, they should not be the focus of your attention daily. Think about how great it was to learn about that first new culture or scale that first mountain. Now, it's time to recapture that energy and get on the road after reading this inspirational travel quote!
5. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" - Helen Keller
We are constantly evaluating our next adventure. What we should do, where we should go, and why we want to do it. There's always a mysterious element to it. What will we get ourselves into? The beauty of living this way is that you constantly change scenery and come to a better understanding of yourself as well as how the world works. It's trial by fire on every spontaneous adventure. Now, doesn't that sound more exciting than the 9-5?
Funny Quotes About Travel
These funny quotes about travel are sure to leave you in stitches! Laughing can be a great remedy when things are going wrong in your life. Especially if you are traveling. There will be times when you miss your bus or your bag gets stolen. The usual. But, keep in mind that you can usually catch the next bus or get a new bag. Don't worry about what you can't control. Just keep a positive mind, let go, and regroup for your next move! Let these funny quotes about travel put your mind at ease.
6. "I need a 6 month vacation... twice per year"
Can you relate? We can! Wouldn't it be amazing to do a full lap around the sun in one year? It's a dream that we can all strive for. Although it may not be feasible for everyone, we can always dream right?
7. I've got 99 problems, but I am on a vacation and I am ignoring them all!"
When we're on holidays, honestly it can be hard for people to get a hold of us. Not because we don't want to talk to people, but because we're in that "holiday mode" where nothing can bother us. We always get back to our messages when we get wifi, but when you're out on the open road or on top of a new mountain peak, it's a great time to leave your problems behind and enjoy the great outdoors for a bit. While this is definitely a funny quote about travel, it's also real for a lot of people (including us)!
8. "I have been to almost as many places as my luggage"
How many times have you lost your luggage while traveling? If you're like us, it's A LOT! It's like those suitcases drift off through the door to Narnia or something... it's so nerve-racking to get off the plane and start waiting for that ominous carousel to start making its rounds. Fingers crossed yours is there!

9. "A coconut a day keeps the doctor away."
This is an all-time great funny quotes about travel! Did you know coconuts are actually a great source of protein and electrolytes? It's true! Even more than those famous apples that keep the doctors away. So what are you waiting for? Scoot off to a nearby beach and saddle up with a coconut for the afternoon. Chilling has never been so good for your health until now!
10. "Forget champagne and caviar - taste the world instead!"
The world is a tasty place! No matter where you choose to go on your next adventure, make sure to try the local food. Instead of your usual dish, dive into something new. Or better yet, instead of your usual walk in the park, head out for a hike to a new mountain viewpoint! There's nothing better than experiencing something new. And travel achieves that for you every time. Use this funny quote about travel next time all your friends order champagne and you just want to take a free walk around the new city you're in!
Famous Quotes About Travel
There are many travel quotes out there that come up again and again. You can't help but hear them when you're on the road or at home prepping for a new trip. That's because these famous quotes about travel come from musicians, politicians, books, and poets. People who have a large audience across the world and have a large influence. Here, you will find the most famous quotes about travel of all time and our take on how they can motivate travels of your own.
11. “I love to travel, but hate to arrive” – Albert Einstein
Although Einstein was more well-known for his expertise and innovation in mathematics, he was also one of the most creative thinkers in human history. He thought of things in a different way than most people, which allowed his ideas to flourish worldwide. In this case, Einstein hits on a great point in this famous quote about travel in regards to the journey of traveling. Your adventures should not be about the destination themselves, but rather the experiences of getting there that lead up to those highlight moments you look forward to so much. Take time to enjoy the moments and your trips will be taken to a new level!

12. "Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves" – Henry David Thoreau
It is so important to fail. To do something stupid and learn from it. That is the only way we grow as people. And traveling provides the best opportunities possible to veer off the beaten path and see what happens. We have had many situations ourselves where we were unsure of how to get to our end destination so took a path and just went for our best guess. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. The important thing is that we learn from all the mistakes we make and don't make those same mistakes twice. We become much more well-rounded people by learning that way!
13. "Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret" - Oscar Wilde
If you're on a trip and doubting between trying something new or going the "safe road", choose the new thing. As long as it's safe within reason, don't be afraid of getting into a new situation and trying it out. Whether it be new food, meeting someone in a new culture, or going on a new outdoor adventure, you will never regret trying it. This is because whatever happens, good or bad, you will be proud of yourself for putting your best foot forward and learning something new. It's an extremely rewarding experience and this famous quote about travel hits on the point perfectly.
14. “It’s a big world out there, it would be a shame not to experience it” – J. D. Andrews
There is so much to experience out there on planet earth. It's impossible to see it all in one lifetime, but you can try! If you're like us, you have a travel bucket list that's at least a couple of pages long. Based on things you've heard or pictures you've seen that inspire you. Imagine if that bucket list was merely a piece of paper and not something you ever acted on. Wouldn't it be a shame? Get out there and achieve your dreams!
15. “As you go through life, you’ve got to see the valleys as well as the peaks “– Neil Young
This is one of our favorite famous quotes about travel by an all-time great musician. Life is not always rainbows and unicorns. It can, and should, be hard at times. It's in these moments that we truly start to understand what we are capable of as humans and how we problem-solve. Going through those down moments allow you to appreciate those highs when you truly achieve something great. So know that when you are traveling, there will always be some rain, but sunshine is waiting for you around the next turn.
Short Quotes On Travel
We love short quotes on travel! Why? Because they are quick enough to digest in a quick glance, but they make you think for hours on end about their meaning! These short travel quotes are sure to inspire your wanderlust and put you into the right headspace to start traveling. Use these short quotes on travel to motivate your next adventure and share them with your friends if you think they might need a little travel inspiration as well!
16. “It’s not down in any map; true places never are” – Herman Melville
With all travel, it is never the destination that matters. It's the journey. If your goal is the make it to the top of the Eifel Tower and see Paris from above, you will likely achieve it. But think of all the little moments and interactions that took place before you got to the top. The walk through the streets, the chat on the train ride with a local, the night chatting with new friends at your hostel. Those moments are the true places that you can never find on a map. Places that shape who you are. Live in the moment and you will find those places too!

17. “Not all classrooms have four walls” – Anonymous
We love this short quote on travel! Because we've lived it. We truly believe we've learned more about ourselves than we ever learned while studying in a classroom. We've also learned a ton about how others live in different parts of the world. Those experiences in real life have been more impactful and valuable than studying. That's not to say school isn't important. Of course it is. It's the building blocks of success in the real world. But the important thing is to take that knowledge and test it in new scenarios across the world to truly understand what it all means!
18. “Don’t listen to what they say. Go see.” – Chinese Proverb
This is one of the great short quotes on travel because there are so many stereotypes floating around in the media and on the internet. Don't always believe what you hear. Rather, believe what you see with your own eyes. In our experience, the rumors about people in the countries that we have been to haven't always been true. For instance, when we visited South Africa, everyone warned us of the corrupt police men and crime. However, we found the police to be very helpful and friendly across the country. During our 3 weeks there, we never had any issues and one policeman even helped us sort out a messy SIM card situation. Not to say crime never happens in South Africa, but once we experienced the country for ourselves, we realized that it's not as prevalent as everyone said it would be.
19. “Some people are so poor, all they have is money” – Patrick Meagher
This is a magnificent short quote on travel because it speaks to a greater message than just travel. We believe that the biggest mistake you could make in life is to only care about how much money you make. Money will only buy you things and fleeting happiness. It's important to have enough money for basic health and essential needs, however beyond that your happiness will not increase. What will really make you happy is experiencing new things and taking part in activities that have a true meaning to you personally. That is where travel becomes an essential part of life like it has become for us.
20. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart” – Confucius
As you can tell by our company name, "World Wild Hearts", we believe fully in this short quote on travel! Don't do anything half-heartedly. You are only doing yourself a disservice. Rather, you should focus in on what lights a fire within your soul. Take whatever that is and run with it. For us, it's travel. We love it with all our hearts and are proud to commit ourselves to inspiring others to travel as well.
Travel Quotes With Friends
No adventure is complete without great friends! It's one thing to travel solo, but there's an entirely different feel and sense of connection when you have a great travel buddy along your side. These travel quotes with friends are perfect for showing your appreciation for your best travel mate. Cherish those people who are by your side through thick and thin. The ones who are there for you no matter what and who have your back when things get a little sticky when traveling abroad. These are the people who are or will become lifelong friends and who you will share stories with for years to come.
21. “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together” – Woodrow T. Wilson
In this crazy world filled with social media, computers, and technology, it's important to remember that we are all still human. We thrive on social connections and bonding with each other. It is what our existence and survival has been based on for thousands of years. It's what got us to this point. Friendship is the one constant that you can always bank on in this world. Remember that on your travels!
22. "A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you" – Unknown
There can be scary moments that come up while traveling. Situations that you need to get out of fast and come up with a quick solution. It's in those moments that true friends are there for you and help you get out of them. They live the moment with you and are right by your side. And while those moments may be scary at the time, you will get through it together and have a heck of a story to tell when you return home!
23. "Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." - Helen Keller
While solo traveling can be a rewarding and humbling experience, it's also important to share your experiences with others that come along with you. You will always learn more about new cultures or destinations when you have someone by your side to bounce ideas off of, talk to, and keep you in check. When you are traveling with friends, you gain a deeper understanding of each other as well as the world around you.

24. “Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world” - John Evelyn
There is something special about having a great friend by your side. Someone who truly gets you. That feeling when you connect with someone on a deeper level than anyone else in the world. It's a feeling that brings so much joy and happiness. It's truly a golden feeling and if you have one of those people in your life, be sure to tell them! Especially if they just went on a trip with you.
25. “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world & the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend” – Robert Louis Stevenson
Honest friends are truly the best thing you could ever ask for. They will give you constructive feedback about your life decisions, help guide you through tough times, and also share those golden moments with you. An honest friend is like family. You will love them at times and hate them at times. But at the end of the day, you are always glad to have them by your side. Take this travel quote with friends and show your bestie some love!
Road Trip Quotes
There's nothing like a great road trip to help you disconnect and get off the grid! Whether it's a desert drive, gliding through a beautiful forest, or causing next to the crashing waves of the ocean, road trips are always soothing for the soul. No matter where the road is taking you, these road trip quotes will inspire your next journey into the unknown and motivate you to let go. Let the road guide you! There are no wrong turns.
26. “Still, ‘round the corner, there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.” – J. R. R. Tolkien
On a road trip, you never know what's coming next. There could be a new hike around the corner, or a beautiful lake that you've never seen before. You might meet someone new who becomes a lifelong friend when you're at a pitstop. The beautiful thing is that you don't have to "do" anything. You just have to live in the moment and take everything as it comes! Road trips are a beautiful thing.

27. “I can speak to my soul only when the two of us are off exploring deserts or cities or mountains or roads.” – Paulo Coelho
This is an excellent travel quote because it really highlights the feeling we all get when we're able to step out into the world. Away from our cell phones and other ties back to the "real world". Our souls were meant to discover new things and connect with the beauty that's all around us. That might be 30 minutes outside of our hometown or it could be across the world. Wherever the road trip takes us, the end destination is not what matters but rather the connection we feel along the way.
28. “When all's said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So, it's not so much which road you take, as how you take it.” – Charles de Lint
There is no right or wrong when it comes to road trips. The beautiful thing about being on the open road is that if you make a wrong turn, it could lead to the coolest thing you discover on the whole trip! One time we were driving in the Canadian Rockies and took a wrong turn near Jasper. After 20 minutes of meandering up a random one-lane road, were greeted with the most beautiful glacial lake we have ever seen. With very few people around. If we didn't follow that random road, we wouldn't have had that special moment of connection with nature.
29. “Road trips aren’t measured by mile markers, but by moments.” – Unknown
While this is one of the best road trip quotes, it's also an amazing travel quote in general. Because it touches on the most important thing to remember when traveling. That it's not about the number of likes on your photos or the checkboxes ticked on your bucket list. Rather, it's about the things you learn in the moments along the way that matter most. Many people miss this perspective, but it is at the root of why we should all travel in the first place!
30. “If you’re not lost, you’re not much of an explorer.” — John Perry Barlow
We couldn't agree more with this travel quote! It's so important to get yourself lost from time to time. Because it's in those moments that you truly start to understand who you are and how you can rely on yourself. There is much personal growth associated with getting lost and road trips are a great means to get there. So, put the map away from time to time and just drive!
Wanderlust Quotes
If you love to travel, then you've definitely been bitten by the wanderlust bug at some point in your life! It's that magical feeling of being on the verge of pure freedom. Just before you're about to embark on a big trip of a lifetime. Your emotions are on steroids and you're on top of the world. Lusting after that next adventure. For some of us, that feeling lasts a lifetime. Always wanting more. No matter where you are at in your travel journey, these wanderlust quotes are sure to ignite your inner adventure flame.
31. “Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.” - Lovelle Drachman
Curious people never have a boring life. They are always getting into something new. Something fresh to entertain them. Their brains are constantly looking for something to learn and motivate them. In a sense, it is an illness. But to us, being curious is a beautiful sickness. Something we never want to get rid of. It's what keeps us young and full of life!

32. “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” - Anita Desai
This is a great travel quote because we've truly felt it after we've been on the road. There have been many moments in foreign countries where we've been welcomed by locals and had a deep personal connection with someone. It's in these moments that our brains get rewired and we connect with others. It's these moments that spark our wanderlust forever and keep us wanting more. Because we feel like our souls are connected to those people we meet in foreign lands. Far apart in distance, but never in heart.
33. “Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” - Anthony Bordain
Having a thirst for wanderlust means also having a longing for the mysteries of the world that await. There is a special feeling you get from traveling into an unknown land. Maybe it's climbing a new mountain or paddling down a new river. Or maybe it's meeting new people in a small village. Whatever the new adventure is, there is always a piece of beautiful uncertainty lingering before you. Tempting you to explore more. This is what wanderlust is all about.
34. “The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder.” – Suzy Kassem
The mindset of continuously getting lost and not having an agenda is what defines a wandering soul. Someone who is never satisfied with just getting to the end destination. Rather, the best part of traveling is actually the journey itself. Taking in the moments as they come and appreciating them for what they are. Not having too high of expectations and letting your mind be blown away simply by what is in front of you at that moment. These are the moments we all live for as travelers and it's what makes this one of the best wanderlust quotes of all time!
35. “If happiness is the goal – and it should be, then adventures should be top priority” – Richard Branson
Adventure is about taking calculated risks to achieve your goals. Nobody is truly happy if they never take any risks in life. Thus, to be truly happy you must seek out your own adventures. The things you learn and experience during those adventures will end up defining you and your character. They will be the guiding force to your next steps in life and they should be cherished!
Best Nature Quotes
No matter what kind of travel you are into, you are almost guaranteed to be immersed in a new type of nature than you are used to during your adventures. In your hometown, you might have forests or an ocean near you. But when you travel to a new country, you may find yourself surrounded by a vast desert or cascading waterfalls. Whatever environment you get lost in, these are the best nature quotes to capture that feeling of being one with your surroundings.
36. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” - Robert Frost
Nature has a way of motivating us to reach our goals. We promise ourselves that we will make it to our end destination no matter what. It may make our bodies hurt or our minds feel tormented at times, but those tough moments always lead us to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Those magical moments where it's just you and nature at it's finest. With no other distractions. These are the best time in nature during our travels.
37. “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” - Laura Ingalls Wilder
When you immerse yourself in nature, you not only feel less stressed, but you also gain a deeper appreciation for the world we live in. There is so much beauty all around us, and when you find yourself seeing something beautiful for the first time, that leaves an impression on your mind. When you go back home and see something natural that you used to think was ordinary, then you remember those special moments you had in nature during your travels and think how amazing this world is. That is the true power of nature!
38. "I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." - Henry David Thoreau
This is one of the best nature quotes because it really captures the feeling we get after a great hike. We feel on top of the world. Like nothing can stop us! This is because it usually takes a lot of physical and mental effort to get to the end point. We push ourselves to the limit and come out better for it. Not only do we get to see an amazing view, but we also have the benefit of developing ourselves personally on a new level. The woods are a powerful tool for self-improvement.

39. “The goal is to discover your nature and nature helps you do it.” - Maxime Lagacé
At the end of the day, we travel because we are looking for something new about ourselves. This is a great travel quote because it hammers home the point that we are all searching for that greater understanding. Even if we are planning a trip to see Mt. Everest because it's the highest peak in the world, deep down (and maybe subconsciously) we are really seeking an enlightenment of our personal character. Can we really make it through the journey? If we can, then when we get back home we will be stronger than ever!
40. "Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." - Anthony J. D'Angelo
There will be good and bad times during your travels, especially if you are spending a lot of time in nature. It is said that the mountains create their own weather and we've found this to be true on multiple occasions. One day it might be sunny and clear and the very next day it's rainy and miserable. The fact is that you can't control what the weather does around you. The only thing you can control is how you respond to it. If you do everything you can to stay positive, then your situation will become more positive around you!
Adventure Quotes
Travel is nothing if not an adventure. There is a special feeling every time you step foot into a new country or experience a new activity in a foreign land. We capture that feeling of pure excitement with these wild adventure quotes. Get lost in the moment with these quotes and live your best life. Don't take anything for granted. Adventure awaits!
41. “In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adventure is at the heart of any great trip. That's why we love this travel quote so much. It really captures the love for the unknown and thirst for wild excitement that every traveler lives for. Sometimes an adventurous moment can help take your mind away from the bad things in the world. Let go of the things that are weighing you down and get out on a real adventure!

42. “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So… get on your way.” ― Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss is one of our favorite poets of all time. Mainly because his ability to make simple things so beautiful, but also because the sense of adventure in his writing is second to none. All Dr. Seuss stories begin and end with new experiences for the characters. In the middle, there are moments of deep understanding due to the new things they are exposed to. Dr. Seuss has to be one of the most quotable authors ever!
43. “I’ve realized that at the top of the mountain, there’s another mountain.” – Andrew Garfield
This adventure quote is perfect for travelers because it speaks to the notion that you should never stop exploring. There is always something new to learn while on the road. A new trail to walk, a new culture to understand, a new food to try. Whatever your passion, you can always find more of it throughout the world. Just keep wandering. You'll find whatever you're looking for on your next adventure.
44. “How wild it was, to let it be.” – Cheryl Strayed
To have adventurous moments while traveling, you must master the mentality of "going with the flow". After many moments of uncertainty abroad, we've realized over time that it's generally best to live in the moment and let the little things go. When you're abroad, this tactic can lead to some of the most awesome off-the-beaten-path experiences you could ever find.
45. “Light a campfire and everyone's a storyteller.” – John Geddes
Any good adventure usually ends with a campfire at the end of the night, especially if you're out in nature! During those moments of tranquility, you have the chance to relive the best moments of the day or tell stories of your past travels. These times can bond friends for life and should definitely be cherished!
Couples Travel Quotes
Did you meet your special someone while traveling? Or have you traveled with your partner recently and want to show them some love? Then you will enjoy these couples travel quotes! They're jam-packed with all the mushy goodness you could ever want to tell your partner. We really enjoy these travel quotes because our story of meeting each other actually started when we were traveling abroad. We loved every moment of it and haven't stopped traveling together ever since
46. “I’ve fallen in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder, if that’s why I’ve fallen for you.” – E. Grin
This couples travel quote captures that magnificent energy that surges through your body when you meet your loved one abroad. That feeling that no matter what, even if you are in a rough spot, this person will be there for you and help you get through it. When traveling, you will come into tough moments all the time, and having a loyal partner by your side is very underrated!
47. “I would not wish any companion in the world but you.” – William Shakespeare
As a couple, we really love to hike. Scaling a mountain peak together and pushing through steep elevation is a huge reward when you finally make it to the top. The view and sweat is always worth it. When you can find a partner who enjoys the same type of travel experiences that you do, there's no limit to what you can do together.
48. “A couple who travel together, grow together.” – Ahmad Fuadi
There is so much to be learned through traveling. Not only do you learn a lot about yourself when you immerse yourself in different cultures, but you also learn a lot about your partner. You learn how they handle adversity, how they respond when things don't go their way, and their true preferences or tastes. You can learn a lot from each other while abroad.
49. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." — Helen Keller
It is never the viewpoint or pretty buildings that leave the biggest impression on you when traveling. In fact, it's the people you travel with that you remember most. The experiences you share together will help shape your fondest memories in the future. They leave the biggest impact because they are the ones that matter most.
50. “Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.” – Lewis Carroll
There's no better present than the present. Enjoying moments together that are unplanned and wild will leave you and your partner full of excitement. We believe in the theory that the happiest couples in the world are the ones who have the most adventures together!